Friday, May 1, 2020

Challenges of Accounting in Global Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Challenges of Accounting in Global Organizations. Answer: Introduction The current study intends to deal with important issues in the area of accounting of multinational accounting systems. Essentially, MNCs function within specific contexts of different environmental variables in different locations other than their domestic nations. This current paper also attempts to present a critical appraisal of specific framework of accounting and the challenges that are encountered by transnational organizations in preparation, presentation, translation as well as analytical issues in the area of accounting with special orientation to the operations of IKEA Group, NESTLE and HSBC. Project Objective The objective of the current study is To critically analyse the accounting system of multinational corporations operating in complex as well as challenging environments in different parts of the world To analytically examine myriads of diverse challenges that essentially borders on the prevailing framework and accounting practices and multiplicity of the financial reports Project Scope The current study can help in appraising the overall structure of financial statements of transnational organizations with special reference to the operations of three multinational organization HSBC. Nestle and IKEA Group. In essence, this present study can help inj understanding the preparation, translation as well as analytical issues (Donohoe et al. 2014). In addition to this, this paper also helps in analysing different environ factors as well as accounting system that necessarily directs the operations of MNCs and form the basis of the preparation and presentation of financial statements. This also includes thorough study of the level of acceptance along with compliance level together with worldwide accounting standards since they affect the entire transnational operations (Weiss and Wilkinson 2014). Literature Review Accounting and System of Accounting of MNCs As rightly indicated by Bruckner et al. (2015), accounting can be considered as a language of business that can be recognized worldwide. Accounting hinges on its capability to recognize diverse measures as well as analyse financial as well as economic variables to allow informed judgement. In essence, accounting does not necessarily have territorial boundaries and thus it is utilized to communicate different actions, existence as well as evolution of financial positions along with financial performance of different economic entities. In particular, actions of MNCs are undertaken in diverse locations that is other than their home nations, and are thus exposed to environs of home nations. As correctly put forward by Bruckner et al. (2015), there are multi-faceted activities of multinational corporations that direct the way towards diverse actions replicated in the system of accounting. Foremost among the actions, are necessarily the actions and methods of pursuing different cross border quotations on different stock exchanges together with transnational financing. MNCs and the System Theory Weiss and Wilkinson (2014) defined accounting as a procedure of enumerating and recognizing different economic variables in individual businesses along with communicating specific information founded on these measurements to different users who have the need to arrive at informed judgments. Wood et al. (2014) opines that a particular system can be regarded as the composition of different components whilst process can be considered as an order of undertaking things. For instance, the books of original entries cannot be properly presented unless specific documents, for example, vouchers, receipts as well as cheque statements from different invoices are firstly attained. Therefore, ledger cannot be exposed without the books of original entries namely books of revenue, expends and many others. Donohoe et al. (2014) mentioned that a system mainly comprises of different component parts that can associate or function together in a manner that can differentiate the complete system from other systems. The system of accounting can be considered as an embodiment of specifically general payroll, purchases, sales, costing along with system of credit control. Interconnection along with interactions with different subsystems are known as interfaces. According to OLAMIDE and AJIBADE (2016), system notion of accounting as it associates to different multinational corporations is very vital as it strives to succeed in its prevailing environs. In particular, this depends on proper comprehension of economic, social as well as political systems and appropriate implementation of system of accounting to the financial declarations for all the prospective users. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles GAAPs can be regarded as a collection of mechanisms that can be utilized to process, prepare and at the same time present public accounting information. GAAPs are necessarily for the most part very general in their methods since they have the need to be somewhat applicable to different types of industries. As rightly indicated by Becker-Ritterspach et al. (2016), GAAPs can be regarded to be principle based or founded on specific technical constraints. Owing to the fact that, in several instances, GAAPs are considered to be flexible and at the same time general, majority of the industries in the U.S or else in the U.K are anticipated to follow principles of GAAP in such nations. GAAP across various nations vary, however are founded on few basic norms of relevance, understandability, consistency as well as comparability. Consistency: Thorelli (2014) asserts that as per principle of consistency information need to be grouped and at the same time presented the same across different periods of time. According to Bulkot (2015), consistency calls for the need of proper enumeration and display of diverse financial effects such as transactions as well as other events undertaken in a consistent manner within each accounting period and in a consistent manner by different business entities (Leitoniene et al. 2015). Relevance Essentially, the principle of relevance recommends that information put forward in pecuniary declarations as well as other public statements need to be appropriate and aid users to analyse the declarations to make informed guesses as regards the upcoming state of the entity. the draft principle of Accounting Standard Board on the principle relevance mentions that financial information contained in the financial declarations is suitable to the user of the financial declarations in case if the information has the capability to influence decisions of different users by facilitating them analyse past, present or else future events or adapt otherwise correct their past analysis (Hakim 2015). The financial statements of MNCs, thus, need to contain information that is clearly relevant and at the same time useful to different users to arrive at informed judement. Nevertheless, this notion also presupposes different users that essentially cut across different national boundaries (Pavlovska and Kuzmina-Merlino 2015). Reliability As correctly put forward by Moolchandani (2016), reliability refers to the need of presenting the truth and the whole truth in the financial declarations. In addition to this, information need to be comprehensive as well as verifiable at the same time. As per the Accounting Standards Board, specific information presented in the financial pronouncements of the annual reports need to have the quality as well as the reliability at the time when it is necessarily free from different material errors. It can be based upon by all the users to reflect faithfully what it is essentially purports to present or could reasonably be anticipated to represent. Comparability Das and Das (2014) identifies the fact that there are two different facets comparability. In essence, this principle comprises of the capability of different users to carry out comparative study of the results of a particular entity over a certain period of time along with the outcomes of different entities. However, the GAAP makes it certain that all the corporations whether MNCs or not MNCs stay on the same level and the information presented by these MNCs is consistently relevant, reliable and at the same time comparable (Attayah and Sweiti 2014). Challenges of accounting in HSBC Critical analysis of the annual reports of the firm reveals that Financial Statements as well as Notes thereon of HSBC, are prepared as well as presented in line with International Financial Reporting Standards as is authorized by the EU and operative for presentation of report of HSBC during the period 31st December 2005 ( 2017). During the period July in the year 2005, HSBC declared 2004 Comparative Financial Information as per IFRS, succinctly presenting the major impacts of IFRSs on the economic information formerly reported with respect to the year 2004 and counting a reconciliation statement between data formerly reported during 2004 under the directive of UK GAAP as well as under IFRS. However, it can be hereby observed that of the opening balance sheet declaration of HSBC reported as on the period 1 January 2005 varies from the closing balance sheet statement reported as on 31 December 2004 since the former reveals first-time acceptance of particularly International A ccounting Standard of 32 as mentioned under Financial Instruments: Presentation of IAS 32. In addition to this, there has been acceptance of the directive as stipulated under the principle IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement as well as IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts. Thus, the company has encountered certain issues while making the transitions to the IFRS during the initial period of adoption ( 2017). Analysis of the reports of the firm HSBC reveals the fact that the company encounters serious issues in the internal control that has led to the failure of the firm to avert money laundering activities. This reflects the fact that distance also affects the organization and creates audit challenges as operations are not properly audited as frequently or else thoroughly as it should be. In addition to this, slow process of communication also affects the audit process and thereby the accounting system. Furthermore, a global organization such as HSBC also faces accounting problems owing to differences in political environ, gaps in the expectation, considerable financial reporting problem, ethical concerns and international convergence in foreign nations ( 2017). Challenges of accounting in NESTLE Again, NESTLE is a Swiss multinational firm that primarily manufactures different nutritional food products, health associated consumer products as well as snack food. In particular, NESTLE has a very strong foothold in more than 86 nations, using 8 different business lines and possessing 447 factories ( 2017). The accounting system in the multinational corporation NESTLE also needs to prepare consolidated financial statements that are in compliance with the International Financial Standards and are issued by the International Accounting Standards Boards together with the Swiss Law. Therefore, this creates certain issues in the process of accounting. Analysis of the reports of the corporation reveals that the functional currency of the groups entities is necessarily the currency of the primary economic environ. Essentially, in individual corporations, transactions in different foreign currencies are registered at the exchange rate recorded at the transaction date ( m 2017). Again, monetary assets as well as liabilities in different foreign currencies are necessarily translated at different rates recorded at year end. However, any resulting differences in exchange are taken into account in the income statement, except at the time diverse deferred in different other comprehensive declarations of income as qualifying hedges of cash flow. Essentially, on consolidation, both the assets as well as liabilities of different foreign functionalities are also translated particularly into Swiss Francs that is the Groups presentation currency at the rate of exchange at specifically the year end. Also, income as well as expends also get translated into Swiss Francs essentially at the annual weighted average exchange rate or else at the rate decided on the transaction date for key items ( 2017). Nevertheless, differences stem from different retranslation of opening net assets of different foreign functionalities, along with the differences stemming from the translation of diverse net results for the year of foreign operations, are also recognized in diverse other comprehensive income. In this case, it can be hereby mentioned that the management of the company faces accounting challenges in restating both balance sheet as well as net results of diverse subsidiaries functioning in diverse hyperinflationary economies. This are alterations in the general buying power of the regional currency, utilizing diverse official indices at particularly the balance sheet date, afore translation into particularly Swiss Francs ( 2017). This, consequently are again mentioned in terms of measuring specific unit currency at the date of balance sheet. In essence, at the time when there exist a change of control in a foreign operation, exchange differences that were previously registered in equity are recorded in the income declaration primarily as a part of profit or else loss of the company on disposal. In addition to this, the global organization Nestle also faces accounting issues owing to alterations in the accounting standards. There are several changes in accounting standards that might perhaps affect the entire group on and after the period 31 December 2016 ( 2017). Challenges of accounting in IKEA Group IKEA Group stores are located in around 28 nations with 978 suppliers in approximately 50 nations. The company essentially takes around well planned worldwide manufacture as well as distribute products of IKEA in an effective and cost efficient manner (IKEA 2017). Maintenance of compliance to the global accounting standards also remains a matter of concern for the accounting system of the company. Analysis of the report of the business firm IKEA Group also reveals the fact that the company is primarily based in Netherland and thus reports pecuniary declarations in Euro. This implies that all the different figures presented in the local currency for more than 43 nations in which the company functions have to be translated into the Euro and thereafter accumulated. Again, as there is volatility in the rate of exchange and the fluctuations in the currency, the multinational organization IKEA too faces the issue of currency effects at the time of carrying out the translations (IKEA 2017). Therefore, in a bid to reflect the underlying trend at the time of carrying out the adjustments for this effects, the management of the IKEA Group also communicates different currency related adjusted developments. Thus, carrying out the currency related adjustments creates accounting issues in the organization. For example, during the financial year 2015, currency adjusted developments in sales that is the sales growth of the company was recorded to be 8.9%, whilst straight conversion into the companys primary currency of Euro reflected a sales increase of around 11.2% (IKEA 2017). In addition to this, management of the firm also faces issues in incorporating the changes brought about by changes in the government policies as well as regulations that counts the monetary as well as interest rate along with other policies of respective Central Banks of different nations (IKEA 2017). Furthermore, multinational corporations also encounter challenges in assimilating general economic conditions in diverse markets in which companies function such as alterations in foreign rate of exchange, in both the rate of exchange in markets, government established rate of exchange, volatility in rate of interest as well as equity market. Apart from this, there also remains problems related to incorporation and adoption of the global standards in accounting practices and carrying out frequent audits in distant locations (IKEA 2017). Conclusion The current study emphasizes on evaluating the structure of financial declarations of three different multinational corporations, process of preparation along with analytical issues. Essentially, this has been attained by examination of different environmental factors, system of accounting that eventually can guide the operations of MNCs and develop a foundation of the accounting system. As multinationals undertake business in diverse locations other than their home base nations, a common platform for these organizations is necessary. However, several challenges are present there. However, problems are mainly encountered in following a principle based structure and enforcement of a general worldwide system of accounting. References Attayah, O.F. and Sweiti, I.M., 2014. 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